Important Facts About First-Time Guests

You may be the most skilled preacher and your church may have excellent Bible classes, but your first-time guests will never know unless they make a second or third visit. Healthy and growing churches pay close attention to the people they count as members, as well as those people who are not yet a part […]

The Household of God

When one examines the church, they can learn a lot from looking at the terms used to describe it. One of them is “house.” In the Bible, “house,” as expected, is used to designate families (Luke 1:27; Acts 10:2; Hebrews 11:7). However, the church is referred to as the “house of God” which equates the […]

Point the Way

How can we help new converts? One suggestion is that we point the way. At the end of the day, there is ultimately nothing we can do to force people to grow in Christ (1 Peter 2:2). So whether we offer a 4-week training class for a growing Christian, a 13-week training class for a […]