Who Will Stand up for Jesus?

When the early church began, you can rest assured that Satan took notice. While these people had identified with Jesus, the question was quickly raised as to who would stand up for Jesus. The crowd was told that He was “Lord and Christ” (2:36). At that point, they were willing to repent and be baptized […]

The Kingdom of Heaven and God

John the Baptist began his mission preaching, “Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt. 3:1-2). According to Matthew, Jesus began His ministry preaching the same message (4:17). The expression “kingdom of heaven” is unique to the gospel of Matthew; it does not appear in either of the other gospels. The corresponding […]

“Speak the Same Thing”

At the Tower of Babel, God confused the language of man. Before, every man and woman spoke the same language using the same words to communicate the same ideas. Due to rebellion in Babel, God confused their language, upsetting the building process and scattering the people (Genesis 11:1-9). This story serves as a prime example […]