Personal Responsibility

Christians have a serious responsibility to ensure that we only do what God wants. Knowing that we will be judged, we had better make sure that we are doing all of the Lord’s will (Romans 14:12). We would do well if all children of God had the same kind of attitude that Joshua had when […]

Heaven in the Home

God’s first institution was marriage. Genesis 2:24 says, “For this cause a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” God has always intended that the marriage bond would produce love and companionship between a man and his wife. The couple that solemnly […]

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks #2

Daniel saw the time was near for the fulfillment of two prophecies by two different prophets: the exiled remnant of Judah would be allowed to return home in 70 years (Jer. 25:11), and the decree which permitted their return would be from Cyrus, foretold by Isaiah 150 years earlier (Isa. 45:1-4, 13). So Daniel prayed […]

Ten Basics Every Creationist Must Know

Christian who stands on the authority of God’s word should be ready to show how the Bible unlocks our understanding of the world. Yet certain questions are still difficult to answer. Thankfully, when you accept the plain teaching of scripture, the basic answers are surprisingly simple. Creation in Six Days Genesis 1:31 God left us […]