“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”

In Mark 15:21-41, we can read about the crucifixion of Jesus. These verses tell us what Jesus had to go through just before and during His death on the cross. As I read these words, tears come to my eyes because an innocent man, God’s only Son, came to this earth and suffered and died […]

Jesus’ First Miracle

It has already been noted that of the nine miracles John records that Jesus did, only three by recorded in the synoptic gospels. The miracle of Jesus turning water to wine is recorded only by John in 2:1-11, and was done in a village called Cana where other teaching was done and miracles were performed. […]

Issues With Prayer

The deepest and most heartfelt desires we bring to God in prayer ought to be desired that have to do with His glory, His purposes, and His will. It is too often, and it can be very easy for us to reach a point where the only question on our minds is whether God is […]