Faces Surrounding Calvary: The Centurion

Matthew, Mark, and Luke all introduce us to this centurion. None of them attribute a name to him and none of them tell us of his character. We are told nothing about him, with the exception of one thing — he recognized the Son of God. He cried, “Certainly this was a righteous man” (Luke […]

“When He Saw the Multitudes”

Many of us would like to be able to do more than we are doing to serve the Lord. In Matthew 9:35-38, as Jesus ministered, He gave us a principle that will help us as we try to spread the gospel to other places. First, the conduct of Jesus in vs. 35 is noteworthy. It […]

Faces Surrounding Calvary: The Two Thieves

When looking at the hill of Calvary, we tend to focus a great deal on the middle cross. Rightly so, for that is the cross by which we are saved. But we must not exclude the other two crosses, for they are representative of mankind (Luke 23:39-41). We ourselves take one of these two viewpoints […]

Blinded by the God of This Age

When you’re blinded, you can’t experience the full reality of all that’s around you, even though others can see it clearly. You may feel you’re experiencing all that there is to life, yet you may be unaware that you’re missing what God really wants for you. You may even be in danger because of your […]

Are You “Free in Christ”?

A few weeks ago, I saw a post on Facebook where a young lady was communicating some thoughts that I felt deserved a response in case we may have people reading this article who feel the same way. This article won’t reproduce everything she wrote, but will concentrate on her more significant comments. She wrote, […]

A Miracle at the Beautiful Gate

The first ten verses of Acts 3 give an account of a miracle performed by Peter as he and John went into the temple at the ninth hour of prayer (3:00 p.m. as we count time). As they entered the temple at “Gate Beautiful” (a gate so described because of its ornate beauty and costly […]

Popping the Question #3

In the previous two articles (here and here), we examined the most difficult part of personal evangelism: coming right out and asking people to study with us. Often, we are simply reluctant to ask. We may engage in broad discussions of religious topics now and then, and we may even invite others to services of […]

What Shall I Do With Jesus?: Conclusion

Over the last several weeks, we have examined seven different individuals or groups of people and what they did with Jesus. Now, Jesus stands before us and we must decide what to do with Him. Revelation 3:20 says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the […]

Joy in Christ: Conclusion

Over the last several weeks, we have examined different ways in which one can have joy in Christ. Paul wrote, “Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice” (Philippians 4:4). Joy in Christ is not an escape from sorrow. Pain and hardship still come, but they are unable to drive out the happiness […]

Identifying the Church: The Proper Entrance

Over the last several weeks, we have examined the proper characteristics of the Lord’s church. We have considered the name, birthplace, age, founder, law, organization, and worship of the church. As you have been reading and perhaps even considering where you attend, I hope you have been thinking carefully about all the principles brought out […]