Beatitudes of the Housewife

Most faithful congregations are full of wonderful housewives who do a superb job in their household with their children, sometimes in the absence of spouses who have to work away from home, with spouses who are hostile to the godly fundamentals found in the Bible, or regrettably both. You are truly “a virtuous woman” and […]

The Love of God

Have you ever tried to understand the extent of God’s love for man? The truth is, we can’t completely grasp the depths of God’s love for us. His love is infinite. Our comprehension is finite. It seems that true devotion to God is not attainable without a personal awareness of God’s love. I must understand […]

The Culture of No Consequences

In the beginning, the Lord blessed man with a paradise garden to keep, trim, and enjoy. Only one prohibition was mentioned. Adam and Eve were not to eat of the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” (Genesis 2:17). If they ate, they would lose their place in the garden and forfeit their right […]

The Blessedness of a Calming Voice

The Jewish council was angered that the apostles had refused to cease preaching in Jesus’ name after they had demanded they do so. Peter’s words, “We must obey God rather than man” (Acts 5:29), did not help their feelings. Furthermore, when Peter told them they had crucified Christ, which they knew to be an innocent […]