
R. L. Whiteside wrote, “Narrow-minded? Well, a person’s mind should be narrow enough to shut out everything but the truth, and broad enough to accept all truth.” How true a statement this is! Jesus said, “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). He said in John 14:6, […]

Two Men Face Their Limitations

Two men are inept in areas of public leadership. Neither is particularly talented in leading singing, preaching, teaching Bible classes, or fulfilling other roles that are so essential to effective worship periods. Both have tried, but their inabilities in such realms are apparent, to themselves and to others. But while they share this limitation, their […]

Serving Christ Through the Church

Some people ask, “Can I be a Christian without working in the church?” It’s probably best to allow people to put their own question into perspective before someone else jumps up and answers. If you asked the question, then consider that being a Christian without serving in the church is something like: Does it make […]

The Nobleman’s Faith

John 4:46-54 records the story of a nobleman who looked for Jesus so that He would heal his son who was near death. Some confuse the nobleman with a centurion who also sought help from Jesus to heal a servant who was deadly ill. This account is recorded in Matthew 8:13 and Luke 7:1-10. The […]