Five Views of Mark 16:16

There is a statement of Jesus in Mark 16:16 with four different views of this verse as taught by men that needs to be contrasted with the one plainly stated by Jesus and supported by His apostles in their teaching and preaching.

First, “He who believes and is baptized will not be saved.” Two separate groups hold this view: Atheists, who do not believe in the existence of God, and Jews, Muslims, Hindus, etc. who believe in God or gods. They do not believe that salvation is found in Jesus.

Second, “He who does not believe and is not baptized will be saved.” This view is held by “Universalists.” They believe that God will save everyone. No God of love, the Universalists declare, could eternally condemn anyone.

Third, “He who does not believe and is baptized will be saved.” This view is held by most who practice “infant baptism.” This involves sprinkling an infant who is incapable of faith.

Fourth, “He who believes and is not baptized will be saved.” This view is held by those who believe in salvation by “faith only.” This would mean that one is saved before baptism. It also means that baptism is not required for salvation.

Fifth, “He who believes and is baptized will be saved.” This view takes the words of Jesus at face value. No explanations are necessary. Jesus says what He means, and means what He says.

To which of the five views of Mark 16:16 do you hold? It should be clear that there is the only view that is in harmony with Jesus’ words, as there is only one that does not involve “tampering” with a clear statement of Jesus.

Kyle Campbell