A Few Things

Because of lack of space in this post, we can only discuss a few things. While it is im- possible to condense the teaching of Jesus into few words, I have selected a “few things” that would be good for you to dwell on this week.

First, Jesus said few are saved (Matthew 7:13-14). Although it is God’s desire that all men are saved (1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9), one nurturers a false sense of security when they believe that many people in this world will be saved. In the days of Noah, only eight people in the world were saved and in the days of the wilderness wandering, only Joshua and Caleb entered Canaan out of two million. Only those who do the Father’s will by hearing and obeying Jesus will be saved (Matthew 7:21-27; Hebrews 5:9). All who want to go to Heaven must strive to be there (Luke 13:23-24). “Strive” means “to contend or struggle with difficulties and dangers; to endeavor with strenuous zeal.” We strive against unbelief (Acts 26:27-28), against ourselves (Acts 26:9), and against sin (Luke 19:8-10). Whether you believe it or not, your personal choice is being made right now.

Second, Jesus said there are few laborers (Matthew 9:37). Who will truly care for the spiritual welfare of others (Philippians 2:19-22)? Who will serve instead of being served (3 John 9-10)? Who will preach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:26-28)? All of these are necessary to labor in the fields for God. It is often preached that we cannot be complacent and lethargic, but zealous for souls righteous toward God (Romans 12:11). The simple reason is that there are just not enough workers for any of us to be self-satisfied.

Third, Jesus said to be faithful over a few things (Matthew 25:21-23). The Lord has placed something into all our hands to be used in His service (Matthew 25:14-19, 21, 23, 25-30). When all are combined in a local congregation, we have speaking skills, labor skills, teaching skills, etc. We have many diverse talents in the body, but we all harness those talents to accomplish a greater good (1 Corinthians 12:12). Use your talent(s) to serve (Luke 16:10).

Would Jesus have a few things against us (Revelation 2:14, 20)? Are we among the few who have not defiled themselves (Revelation 3:4)? Jesus knows our names. After considering “a few things,” where will you spend eternity?

Kyle Campbell