Can You Tell the Difference?

Have you ever seen anyone really excited about baseball? You know the kind. They know the stats of a game at any given time. They attend every game, watch it on television, or listen to it on the radio. They know the name of every player on their favorite team, plus the name and face of practically every player in the league of their team; and they may also be familiar with many names in the other league. They also talk about baseball to any and all who will listen.

Have you ever seen anyone with a fervor to serve the Lord? You know the kind. They attend every assembly, Bible class, and gospel meeting they can. They take notes of every sermon. They know the names of preachers and other brethren in the area. They talk about Jesus Christ to everyone who will listen.

Is it not strange how the world sees the first person as a fan and the Christian as a fanatic? Never let anyone pressure you into being afraid of your work for God. I cannot tell the difference between the two, can you?

Kyle Campbell