
Catholicism Is the Only True Church?

I published a video a couple of weeks ago and someone on YouTube commented and said, “Denominationalism is indeed not God’s plan for his church. But neither are independent Bible churches like this one [the Loop 287 Church of Christ]. Both history and the Bible show that Christ established one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church led by the successors of the apostles.”

Christ did only establish one true church (Matthew 16:18). However, denominations are an abomination to God because He never intended for them to exist. They are creations of man, not existing until 1,500 years after Christ died on the cross. One never reads of doctrines such as Calvinism and premillennialism in the pages of the Bible. These doctrines will condemn you if you follow them.

Likewise, the Catholic Church has its problems. While they may feel that they have an advantage by being able to trace their roots closer to the first century, they’re a corrupt body. You don’t see doctrines such as purgatory, the rosary, indulgences, auricular confession, Mass, the worship of Mary, etc., in the Bible. These are the products of man and will condemn you if you follow them.

Why not be a part of the Lord’s church? Don’t be satisfied with a religious organization that’s “close” to the true church or is “almost” the same. Read in the the New Testament and find a group of Christians who follow the Scriptures.

Kyle Campbell