“I Have Never Known …”

I have found that a lot of practical learning in life is all about perspective. In spite of the thinking of many of my brethren, and to keep the proper perspective, consider for a few moments what I have never known:

  • A farmer who failed in life because he quit early to attend the Wednesday Bible class.
  • A farmer who became poverty-stricken because he refused to plow on Sunday, but chose to go to worship.
  • A businessman who lost his business because he closed on Sunday.
  • A person who was too tired to go to worship on Sunday, and also too tired to go to work on Monday.
  • A Christian who was strengthened by engaging in recreation when he should be worshipping God.
  • A person who was ever made better by staying away from the worship assemblies because he did not like the teachers, preacher or someone else in attendance.
  • A strong Christian who neglected the assemblies of the church.

Beloved, think about the above and resolve to attend every assembly of this congregation that you possibly can. As you can see, it will not be as detrimental as you think! There is spiritual strength and nourishment to be gained by assembling with your brethren, and spiritual weakness and death to be expected if you fail to assemble.
