Message: “Give Thanks to the Lord” from Kyle Campbell

Psalm 136 in Jewish tradition is known as “the Great Psalm of Praise.” It was associated with the Feast of Passover, and it gives thanks and celebrates the enduring nature of the Lord’s love. Watch for five ways to develop our own spirit of gratitude.

Message: “Here’s What Noah Preached” from Kyle Campbell

Noah was called a “preacher of righteousness” in 2 Peter 2:5. What was the subject matter of Noah’s preaching? Not a single sermon of his is recorded so all I can do is guess. Here’s four safe assumptions as he preached obedience to God and two good lessons from Noah.

Message: “7 Sneaky Idols” from Kyle Campbell

From Jacob in Genesis to Ezekiel, hundreds of years later, the nation of Israel, God’s chosen people, the tribes He delivered and protected, continued to go back to idolatry. Organized religion has found seven sneaky idols that it worships, and we may too if we don’t watch.

Message: “The Conversion of the Multitudes” from Kyle Campbell

The conversion of the multitudes in Acts 5:14 show that the expectation of trial, adversity, and self-denial weren’t hindrances to the growth of the church, while materialism, greed, and covetousness hamper the gospel’s growth. Watch for three reasons why the gospel was so successful.

Message: “02 A God-Sent Man” from YouTube

A message from the series “The Gospel of John.” John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare the way for the Messiah. The writer John speaks a lot about him. Watch to find out what that means for us in our knowledge of Christ!

Message: “How’s Your Hope?” from Kyle Campbell

Do you know know what’s missing in the cultural dialogue these days? Hope. We seem to do a great job focusing on the problem and pointing out the shortcomings and sins of others and very little time pointing toward a preferred future. Watch as we discuss four elements of our future hope.

Message: “26 Bound, but Not Bound” from YouTube

A message from the series “The Journeys of Paul.” In this final video of the series, Jim explores Paul in Rome in prison. He had great plans for the future, even though it was uncertain. But he knew the Word of God would never be bound.