The Cheapness of Life

The Bible teaches man is made in the image of God, a special creation above all other creatures (Gen. 1:26-27). God is serious about the sanctity of the life of man. He instituted the death penalty for murderers long ago, and still authorizes the government to enact it today (Gen. 9:5-6; Rom. 13:1-4). Thus, life is so valuable that the only fit penalty is forfeiture of life.

Sadly, our society is drifting further from the biblical truth of the sanctity of life. That is, life is cheap. This is seen on several fronts. Abortion has claimed the lives of tens of millions of innocent, defenseless babies.

Others are being killed because it is deemed by them and/or others, that their life is not worth living anymore. All who participate in such are murderers and have a place in hell reserved for them (Rev. 21:8).

No, those who respect the sanctity of life are not to take vengeance on murderers. Rather, we are to leave such things to God (Rom. 12:17-21). So, let us respect life and teach others to do the same.

Steven F. Deaton