Where Will You Be?

Our gospel meeting is only a week away. Our congregation has promoted the meeting for the last several weeks and I hope everyone is anxious for a good turnout and a good number of visitors from the community. But regardless of the attendance figures, this gospel meeting will be a success or failure largely based on what you make of the week.

Gospel meetings are a time of great potential, but that potential must be realized by the individual members of this church. No one else can reap the benefits for you — you must be here to receive the benefit yourself. The following is a list of do’s and don’ts de- signed to help you capitalize on this profitable week of Bible lessons.


  • Be committed to attending every single service.
  • Determine that you are absolutely, positively going to bring someone with you to the assemblies.
  • During the worship, listen attentively to the lessons and sing the songs with real meaning and purpose.
  • Greet every visitor and make them feel welcome.


  • Don’t allow recreational activities to keep you from attending.
  • Don’t let your job keep you away from the assemblies.
  • Don’t allow your tired feelings to keep you from being refreshed with the gospel of Christ.
  • Don’t make excuses for yourself or others. Remember, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).

Use this week to demonstrate your love and loyalty to Christ. Be sure to attend each service as brother Bunting brings to us good, sound lessons of the faith. Use every chance you get to invite others and learn yourself from this man who brings us so many years of faithful gospel service.

Gospel meetings are always special times, and special times do not come around often. The psalmist of Israel said, “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord” (122:1). Be glad to enter the house of the Lord each evening enthu- siastically and with the determination that this is the best possible use of your time and opportunities. Engage in the Master’s work this week and you will be blessed for your efforts. Remember, this is your meeting!

Kyle Campbell