The Jews’ Religion

Isaiah declared that sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). Therefore, in order to get back to God, we have religion. The word “religion” basically means to “tie or bind back to God again.” This fundamental belief in sin and redemption has fueled the development of many varied religions in the world. It would probably […]

Instruments in Church Worship

An important and serious question directed to members of churches of Christ is, “Why don’t you worship with instruments?” With every opportunity, we want to be “ready to give a defense to everyone” in order to appropriately express biblical truth (1 Peter 3:15). People frequently want to go back to the Old Testament, in passages […]

“The New Heavens and the New Earth”

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away, and the sea is no more…” (Rev. 21:1). Some, even some brethren, see this passage as literal and conclude that the eternal dwelling place of the redeemed, resurrected souls will be planet earth. Before […]