A Difficult Commandment

The recent actions of a friend got me to thinking about a difficult commandment. This person is divorced and has started dating someone. The circumstances of the divorce, to my knowledge, do not follow the instructions of Matthew 19:9: “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, […]

A Necessary Evangelistic Quality

Jeff Strite says this actually happened in a southern church several years ago. The local preacher had been preaching on the importance of evangelism. In the congregation was a young man who was mentally challenged who took these lessons to heart. Consequently, he began telling everyone who would listen about Jesus and asking if they […]

The Baptism of the Great Commission #2

A previous article expounded on three aspects of the Great Commission baptism: the element, action and the subjects of the baptism Jesus commanded (Mt. 28:18-20). This article will conclude that study: the purpose for that baptism and the significance of one being baptized “into the name of Jesus Christ.” In Paul’s first letter to the […]