What Is a “Pastor”?

One of the most misused terms in the denominational world today is “pastor.” The word “pastor” occurs one time in the New Testament in Ephesians 4:11. The Greek word poimen, from which “pastor” is derived, is translated elsewhere as “shepherd.” The word means, “one who tends herds or flocks.” The word is used metaphorically in […]

Abraham Believed God

Among the names of great men and women of the Bible who displayed such marvelous faith, Abraham is one of the most remarkable. Hebrews 11:8-12 speaks of his faith and how he was pleasing to God in his obedience. James 2:14-26 uses Abraham as an example of one who demonstrated his faith through his actions. […]

The Kingdom Is Like Pounds

The parable of the pounds was given because “they supposed that the kingdom of God immediately to appear” (Lk. 19:11). Luke alone records this parable and it is much like the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30). But while there are similarities, there are also points of difference and other details in the parable of […]