Jesus’ Attitude Toward Baptism

The subject of water baptism is a heavily debated subject in religion. Some people think baptism is not necessary. Some people such as Calvinists say baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace. The person we need to go to on this subject is Christ Himself. What was Jesus’ attitude toward baptism? First, I’d […]

Where Is the Kingdom? #1

It was shown in our last article that the kingdom promised by the prophets would come in the “days of these (Roman) kings” (Dan. 2:44), it was declared both by John the Baptist and Jesus during their personal ministries to be “at hand” (Mt. 3:2; Mk. 1:15), it was promised by Jesus to come during […]

Do You Have a Politically Correct Bible?

Though nobody would ever say that they want a “politically correct Bible,” there’s little doubt that most people want a version that conforms to their worldview, rather than the other way around. We get uncomfortable when things are said or written that seem “out of touch” with today’s world, so we look for one that […]