“Flesh and Blood Cannot Inherit the Kingdom”

We began these articles on the kingdom with no intention that so much time and space should be consumed in the study of it. The articles have stretched through many weeks, in fact several months, and still there is more, much more, which could be written regarding God’s kingdom. Likely as many articles could be […]

Questions for Righteous Recreation

Recreation is necessary for a well-balanced life, and righteous recreation for a Christian is not impossible to find. A decision about which activity we can do that will agree with our convictions should be based, just like so many of our other decisions, on biblical teaching. Paul emphasized that we should live “soberly, righteously, and […]

Why You Should Be a Christian

Job said, “What is the Almighty, that we should serve him?” (Job 21:15). Do you really need to obey God? Is there any benefit to becoming one of God’s children? Moses made the decision to follow God although it looked to be a foolish choice to the world (Hebrews 11:24-26). There are three good reasons […]