Recipe for Child Rearing

Parenting is tough. I remember when we brought our first child home, I felt lost as to what to do. Following scriptural wisdom in the form of this recipe may not guarantee complete success, but it will definitely set you down the road to happier children and a happier life. 1 cup of Proverbs 22:6: […]

Praising Physical Beauty

Song of Solomon is probably best known for its descriptions of physical beauty. There are four of these descriptions in the song. Three times the Shulammite is complimented (4:1-7, 6:4-9, 7:1-9), and one time, her beloved is praised (5:10-16). These descriptions make some folks uncomfortable. These descriptions have caused some to even suggest that perhaps […]

The Babylonian Exile #3

Hezekiah was a good king but the flattery of receiving attention from the Babylonian monarch led him to give way to vanity. He showed the Babylonian king’s messengers all his treasures and his government. Because of this, God sent Isaiah to tell him that that nation would carry his treasures away in the future, as […]

Seven Ducks in a Muddy Puddle

We all have heard about how to be cleansed from our spots and our blemishes, but still, there are many skeptics of the plan of salvation. We can compare them to a fellow in the old testament by the name of Naaman. Naaman was a very high ranking man: “Naaman, commander of the army of […]