Giving Your Body What It Needs

Living in the southern part of Africa, there are tribes of people who hunt animals through peculiar methods. These hunters participate in what’s called persistence hunting. This method is unorthodox in that the hunter will chase the animal until it has grown tired, and once the animal is exhausted the hunter will kill it, take […]

3 Traits of Kids Who Don’t Lose Their Faith

Every congregation has a story to tell about a “good Christian” child, raised in a good home and in their congregation, who walked away from their faith during college. These children, from all outward appearances, looked as strong in the faith as humanly possible, but now they want nothing to do with it anymore. The […]

Praying For Your Children — From Head To Toe

Pray for their mind. Pray that your children would earnestly seek wisdom and understanding, that they would value knowledge and discernment, and that their thoughts would stay centered on the truth of God’s word (Proverbs 2:1-6; 3:21; James 1:5; Psalm 119:97). Pray for their eyes. Ask God to guard your children’s eyes and protect their […]

What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do

We live in a world where anxiety has continued to grow and take hold of people, leaving them completely unsure of what to do to mend their lives. Christians are not immune, and despite having the word of God, they still become completely lost and unsure of what they must do to escape their struggle. […]

I’m the One

Growing up, one of my favorite hymns was #604-I’m The One. This song carries such a beautiful message of what sin feels like to the faithful Christian. The song does so by making first person statements such as, “I was not in the garden when He knelt to God and prayed, I did not kiss […]

Help Enrich the Lives of Others

There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. Every year he won the award for the best-grown corn in the county. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it. The reporter discovered that the farmer shared his seed with his neighbors. “How can you afford to […]

Follow Him

In the ancient Roman Empire, many boys wanted to grow up to be emperors. But I hope that most people want to grow up to be like Christ. What does it take to follow Him? Consider these five ways: Follow Him in baptism. Jesus had no sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), but He was baptized by […]

The Gospel … and Dentistry?

“Open wider,” requested the dentist as he began his examination. “Oh, no!” he said. “You’ve got the biggest cavity I’ve ever seen — the biggest cavity I’ve ever seen.” “Okay, Doc!” replied the patient. “I’m scared enough without you saying it twice.” “I didn’t!” said the dentist. “That was the echo.” I did something this past […]

God Sent

“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world should be saved by him” (Jn. 3:17). This verse immediately follows Jn. 3:16 and is phrased as a “not – but” idiom which appears so frequently in the New Testament. The idiom contains two truths, one of which […]

Does God Accept Your Worship?

Some people say, “It does not matter how we worship. I can worship God any way I want to and God will accept my worship.” Friends and brethren, is this what the New Testament of Jesus Christ teaches? Is it? Let us see. Ignorant Worship In speaking to the Athenians, the apostle Paul said, “Ye […]