“I Don’t Do Social Media”

While I think I understand not only what people mean by the statement, “I don’t do social media,” and at least to some degree, why they might feel and act accordingly, is it really true? “Social” simply means having to do with society, and “media” is a means of communication. I presume people making such […]

Five Witnesses to the Claims of Jesus #1

John 7 records rulers of the Jews sending officers to take Jesus (Jn. 7:32). The chapter also records the return of those officers — without Him! When questioned by the rulers why they had not taken him, the officers responded, “Never man so spake” (Jn. 7:46). It might be added, “Never man claimed the things Jesus claimed […]

Tongue Speaking #2

In the previous post, we examined the use of tongue-speaking on the day of Pentecost and concluded that the tongues were spoken by the apostles, that there were many different tongues or languages spoken, and that these tongues spoken on Pentecost were understood by all the Jews that heard them. In this post we will […]