Jewish Feasts and Festivals #1

In order to fully understand the Jewish religion and people, and to gain a greater perspective of a number of events in the New Testament, one needs to study the Jewish feasts and festivals.  The Jewish feasts and festivals were scheduled at specific times in the annual calendar and they were both civil and religious […]

An Ex-Trans Teen’s Testimony

Fox News Digital recently reported that a California teen girl who once identified as transgender and took hormones and underwent surgery to affirm such an identity spoke out in favor of a Florida rule blocking Medicaid funds from paying for medical interventions for gender dysphoria. I’m not interested in delving into the political ramifications of […]

Jesus’ Sermon on the Bread of Life #1

One of the few miracles that Jesus performed which all four accounts of His life record is the feeding of the five thousand. There are only two of His miracles recorded in all four gospels: The miracle of Jesus feeding five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, and His resurrection. While all four record […]