The Bible Is From God

The Bible claims to be a product of God. Peter said the Holy Spirit moved men to speak for God (2 Pet. 1:21). Some of what these men spoke was written for later generations (Rom. 15:4; cp. 2 Pet. 1:12-15). So, how can we know what we have is actually from God? Historians test the […]

An Open Mind

One of the things most promoted and praised in our society of tolerance is an “open mind.” In academic circles, it may mean being open to new ideas and cultures, often the idea that other cultures are superior to ours. An “open mind” can be advocated on moral issues; be open to different lifestyles, usually […]

The Resurrection

Men have long wondered if there is life after death. “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14). The answer was implied in the Old Testament, as Jesus pointed out to the Sadducees — yes there will be a resurrection from the dead (Matthew 22:23-33). When Paul preached the resurrection of Christ at […]

Are You a Friend of Jesus?

Before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus calmed the hearts of His disciples and prepared them for what was to come. In John 15:9-14, He defined the elements of being His friend. He said that His friends abide in His love just like He has abided in the Father’s love. The way to do that […]

“Regurgitating Facts and Verses”

It has been said that preachers simply “regurgitate facts and verses from the Bible,” but that they have no real understanding of true faith, mercy, and grace. First, is this true? If so, are those who make the charge only regurgitating it? Second, what does anyone know about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit that […]

The Kingdom Is Like Ten Virgins

The parable of the ten virgins follows Jesus’ prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem as well as His response about the “end of the world” (Mt. 24:3). Unlike the fall of Jerusalem in which there was a sign which warned that Christians were to flee the certain destruction that fall would bring “When ye see […]

Roman Catholic Errors

The Roman Catholic church has been under fire lately, and rightly so. However, the recent scandal over pedophilia is not the only problem with the Roman Catholic church (Roman Catholic church). From its beginnings, it has been an institution of godlessness, not godliness. The Roman Catholic church has a clergy/laity system. The New Testament teaches […]

Max Lucado on Baptism

In a television interview in Nashville, TN, July 2, 1997, Max Lucado said. “I believe in baptism. Jesus was baptized. The Bible teaches baptism. I just don’t believe that baptism saves you. I believe that Jesus Christ saves us. And baptism is one of those ways we celebrate our salvation. It’s really the initial step […]

Does It Matter What God Says?

Most religious people would answer “yes” to the above question. However, when their faith and practice are examined, the answer is “no.” This was true of some men in the Bible, as it is true today. King Saul was a humble man at the beginning of his reign. As time passed, he became puffed up. […]

Noah’s Salvation: By Faith or by Sight?

Many people tell us that we do not trust in God, we do not walk by faith, but by sight. They say this because we teach baptism is essential to salvation (Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pet. 3:21). They claim we put our faith in the water, not the Savior. We deny this and […]