In Him Was Life

“In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not” (John 1:4-5). The identify of Jesus to “light” is found here and repeated many other times in the book. First, the Holy Spirit makes clear that although John the Baptist […]

Religion: The New “Dirty Word”

A bumper sticker recently viewed said, “I’m not religious, I just love the Lord.” What in the world does that mean? This strange expression probably is a reaction against the hypocritical conduct of lots of so-called Christians and many of their pretentious leaders. You don’t have to be terribly perceptive to realize that there are […]

How The Grand Canyon Makes Us Religious

Amazing natural sights such as the Grand Canyon or the Northern Lights might increase people’s tendency to believe in God and the supernatural, according to new research by US scientists. The findings suggest that awe-inspiring sights increase our motivation to make sense of the world around us, and may underlie a trigger of belief in […]

Homosexuality Is Not Genetic

Eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the U.S., and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: gays were not born that way. “At best genetics is a minor factor,” says Dr. Neil Whitehead, PhD. Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher for 24 years, […]

“Heart-Felt” Religion

In the course of meeting people, a few have asked if we believe in the “heartfelt” religion. We do believe in it, but probably not the way it was meant in the queries that people raise. Although there is ambiguity in the question, the principle is similar in many denominations. Many believe that living the […]

Death of a Snake Handler

No, that is not the title of a long-lost Arthur Miller play, but a reference to the recent news report of the death by snakebite of famed religious snake handler James Coots of Kentucky and star of the reality television show “Snake Salvation” which airs on the National Geographic Channel. I will not rehash the […]

In Defense of God

It is time for believers to speak up in defense of God. God has been hijacked in the promotion of political and social causes which are diametrically opposed to God’s law. The word of God has been pulled and twisted like modeling clay in order to justify sin. The love of God has been redefined […]

How the Spirit Works in a Christian’s Life

Indeed the Holy Spirit works on a Christian’s behalf. Much of what He does has already been completed, as studied in previous articles. Already He has given the spiritual blessings which come through Christ (Acts 2:38). Already He has revealed God’s word which is recorded in the Bible, through which one is saved, and through […]

Millennials Consider Themselves Seekers of Truth?

“Millennials,” 20-year-olds to 30-somethings, are leaving their churches in droves. How could this be? Every gimmick imaginable has been tried by the big money denominations and mega-churches to snag the millennials’ interest and involvement. And it is not just the soft-to-nonexistent gospel these churches offer. There are Starbucks-style coffee bars in church foyers to caffeinate […]

At the End of My Life

I had the opportunity to attend a funeral recently. I say “opportunity” because Solomon said it is good to visit the “house of mourning” (Ecclesiastes 7:2). I have no idea when the end of my life will come. I also have no idea when the Lord will come. But I want to be able to […]