Catholicism Is the Only True Church?

I published a video a couple of weeks ago and someone on YouTube commented and said, “Denominationalism is indeed not God’s plan for his church. But neither are independent Bible churches like this one [the Loop 287 Church of Christ]. Both history and the Bible show that Christ established one, holy, Catholic and apostolic church […]

Serving Christ Through the Church

Some people ask, “Can I be a Christian without working in the church?” It’s probably best to allow people to put their own question into perspective before someone else jumps up and answers. If you asked the question, then consider that being a Christian without serving in the church is something like: Does it make […]

“Repurposing” God’s House

“Repurposing” has become a trendy or fashionable word and practice. It’s appeal seems to be based in the assumed altruism of taking something that’s no longer operational, effective, or wanted, and reviving its workability, effectiveness, or desirability by changing its function and appearance. Fine. Except that it isn’t always a good thing. Think about this. […]

The Mission of the Church

In Jesus Christ, we have the fullness of the Godhead summed up (Ephesians 1:15-23). Jesus is able to supply every spiritual need of man. The church is composed of those who have been “called out” of the world by the gospel of Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:14). Christians have assembled themselves under His authority to do […]

Memorial Day

We soon will have the great opportunity to commemorate all those who died while actively serving in the military. I hope that we all thought for a moment on that day of the blessings we enjoy because of their sacrifice. When Jesus was ready to be betrayed, He instituted His own memorial. Luke 22 records […]

A Man, A Prophet, the Lord

After Jesus healed the blind man, he faced intense questioning from the Jews (Jn. 9:1-12). Initially, the blind man simply stated the case, and said, “A Man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes…” (Jn. 9:11). He acknowledged Jesus as no more than a man. However, when the interrogation increased, his conviction became stronger […]

Making a Church Strong

It is my wish that everyone wants to be a part of a strong congregation. I think we generally have the misconception that a strong congregation is one with a self-supported preacher and maybe elders. Although those are good indicators, they do not define a strong congregation. Furthermore, numbers (Deuteronomy 7:7) and wealth (Revelation 3:17) […]

Look Forward to the Lord’s Day

When you think about it, it really is a long way from one Sunday to the next. As busy as we are, a week seems to go by rather quickly — but spiritually there are so many temptations and difficulties and discouragements in a week’s time, we ought to be glad there are not any […]

Local Autonomy

In all of the controversy surrounding Romans 14 and the fellowshiping of sinful teaching and practices, the argument has been made that 1 Corinthians 1:10 only applied to the local, divided church at Corinth; it contains no principle that is to be universally applied. Therefore, we are not under a mandate “to speak the same […]

Living and Dying Churches

Every congregation has its own “personality,” or set of characteristics. These are really prevalent when you talk about churches that are living or dying. Where is your church? Kyle Campbell