Did Alexander Campbell Start the Church of Christ?

If the church of Christ was started by Alexander Campbell, it has no divine authority or right to exist. Therefore, it will be “rooted up” along with all other churches of human origin (Matthew 15:13). However, the Bible and authentic secular history prove that Campbell did not start the Lord’s church. Many people still call […]

“I’m All Shook Up”

The above words echoed from the facilities of the Twickenham Church of Christ (Huntsville, AL) when they presented “A Tribute to the King of Rock and Roll.” Pictured in the advertisement for the show was an Elvis impersonator. This title is perhaps a reflection of how many felt upon learning from the newspaper that a […]

How to Reach Others With the Gospel

Mark 16:15-16 is commonly referred to as the Great Commission. Though this commission was given exclusively to the apostles, there certainly are principles that apply to us. God wants people to be saved and the gospel is the way to reach them. But how do we reach others with the gospel? There is more to […]

What About Those Who Never Obey the Gospel?

As we look around the world, we can’t help but consider all those cultures which have no semblance of the gospel, and even many which are illiterate. What will God do with all of them? First, do they need the gospel to be saved? Is the Bible the only truth from the only God? Is […]

What is Your Attitude?

What is your attitude towards truth? Attitude is defined as a settled way of thinking about someone or something. So when it comes to truth, do you think it is in anyway important? Attitude is also a flying term referring to an aircraft’s orientation relative to its direction. For example, when a plane flies from […]

Who is a Christian?

Someone would usually answer the above question with, “Someone who has been baptized,” but the proper answer runs deeper. There are five characteristics of a genuine Christian. First, one who has life in Christ (John 6:37). We were alienated from the life of God (Ephesians 2:1), but now we are by faith engrafted into it. […]

Peace, Be Still!

Around 2,000 years ago, in the midst of a horrible storm, and mass panic, Jesus Christ said simply, “Peace, Be Still!” and everything ceased. The waves stood still, the wind stopped howling, and all was at rest. Mark 4:39 is an incredible example of just how much power Christ had during His time on earth. […]

Love Feasts

From time to time we hear of a church having a “love feast.” By this it is usually meant that the members are gathering together to have a common meal in the meeting house, or in some church-provided facility. The term “love feast” is found in Jude 12, and has been thought by some to […]

Are Setting Goals Important?

I am a very goal-oriented person. When I achieve a goal of mine, it feels like I am on cloud nine; it feels amazing. On the other hand, when I don’t achieve a goal, I feel so ashamed. I tell myself that I am lazy, and I beat myself up for days on how I […]

It’s Time to Pull the Weeds

When I was a kid, I never wanted to do my homework. Because I refused to do my homework, my teacher would send letters home to my parents who would then punish me, the most common way being grounded. But I also had to go outside every day and pull weeds until sunset. Doing this […]