Do We Believe in the Old Testament?

A common misconception that people have of churches of Christ is that we do not believe in the Old Testament. We do believe in it, but the New Testament places the Old Testament in its proper context. Ephesians 2:14-15, Colossians 2:14, and the entire book of Hebrews prove that we are not bound by the […]

A Difficult Commandment

The recent actions of a friend got me to thinking about a difficult commandment. This person is divorced and has started dating someone. The circumstances of the divorce, to my knowledge, do not follow the instructions of Matthew 19:9: “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, […]

A Necessary Evangelistic Quality

Jeff Strite says this actually happened in a southern church several years ago. The local preacher had been preaching on the importance of evangelism. In the congregation was a young man who was mentally challenged who took these lessons to heart. Consequently, he began telling everyone who would listen about Jesus and asking if they […]

The Baptism of the Great Commission #2

A previous article expounded on three aspects of the Great Commission baptism: the element, action and the subjects of the baptism Jesus commanded (Mt. 28:18-20). This article will conclude that study: the purpose for that baptism and the significance of one being baptized “into the name of Jesus Christ.” In Paul’s first letter to the […]

The Shape of the World, According to God

Columbus had a radical idea. He followed the teachings of heretics and concluded that the earth was actually round, and he could sail west to get east. The idea was met with laughter as he was called a lunatic. The world was shocked when arrived back from his trip, albeit later than expected, and with […]

Respecting Bible Authority

Most religious division is caused by either ignorance or a lack of respect for the word of God and the authority of Christ. In this article, we will be doing a study of the true standard of Divine authority. First, we need to establish that Christ has all the right to rule. Jesus said in […]


Compromise is defined as “an agreement that is reached by each side making concessions” or “the acceptance of standards that are lower than is desirable.” Although a compromise is normally used in politics and other situations, we cannot ever compromise the truth. We are to “hold fast the form of sound words” (2 Timothy 1:13; […]

“I Needed a Dad”

With the argument for homosexual adoption ramping up as the Supreme Court has ruled same-sex “marriage” legal, the daughter of a lesbian couple has opposing its legalization, arguing that such unions are harmful to children. Heather Barwick was brought up in a home by two lesbian mothers. Barwick, now married to a man and raising […]

Baptists Change Policy on Speaking in Tongues

On Wednesday, May 13th, after a decade-long resistance, the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board will admit missionary candidates who speak in tongues, a practice associated with Pentecostal and charismatic churches. This reverses a policy that was put in place 10 years ago. Allowing Southern Baptist missionaries to speak in tongues, or have what some […]

Can a Child of God Fall From Grace?

The Calvinist teaches that once one is saved, they are always saved. In the book, The Five Points of Calvinism by Steele and Thomas, they write, “The elect are not only redeemed by Christ and renewed by the Spirit: they are also kept in faith by the almighty power of God. All those who are […]