A Waterpot at Jacob’s Well

John 4:28 says, “So the woman left her waterpot, and went away into the city.” References to waterpots are found only in John’s gospel (cp. 2:6-10). Obviously the waterpots of John 2 were different from the waterpot this woman brought to the well. The waterpots of John 2 were of stone, making them very heavy. […]

Mormons Regret Massacre

Church Elder Henry B. Eyring of the Quorum of the Twelve, the second tier of leadership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, voiced regret several years ago for the massacre of 120 California-bound pioneers moving through Utah on a wagon train, marking the 150th anniversary of the ambush. Patty Norris, president of […]

Making a Living, Not a Killing

It is not uncommon to see television’s most prominent evangelists decked out in designer suits and expensive jewelry. Behind the scenes, many live in million-dollar estates, drive luxury cars and stay in thousand-dollar hotel rooms when on the road. On the air, they plead for love offerings and promise a $2,000 pledge will bring a […]

Who Is a False Teacher?

The answer to the above question seems obvious. If one teaches falsely, that one would rightly be called a “false teacher.” However, some brethren have challenged this answer in recent years. More and more, in churches of Christ, there has been a “playing down” of the importance of purity and necessity of doctrine. Notwithstanding, the […]

What Shall We Say?

In seven instances in Paul’s Roman letter, he uses a question: “What shall we say?” Each one of these instances uses the question to make a particular point which will be briefly examined. Romans 3:5: “But if our unrighteousness commends the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I […]

Why May Someone Divorce?

I wish that it were not the case that there are so many failing marriages. Perhaps one day this will differ, but for now, we must adhere to God’s word. While man has many reasons for divorcing (current ones commonly include irreconcilable differences, incompatibility or abuse), Jesus gave only one. Matthew 19:4-6 says, “And he […]

Scriptural Authority

When I think of the subject of scriptural authority, I am reminded of the good saying, “Speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent.” Although this statement is not in the Bible per se, the concept is imminently scriptural. Yet how can we really hold to this concept? The answer […]

How Will You Be Remembered?

The other day while I was traveling on my way back home, a song by the country music band Rascal Flatts titled, “How They Remember You” came on the radio. As I listened, the words, “You’re gonna leave a legacy, no matter what you do. It ain’t a question of if they will, its how […]

Our Fathers

“Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place men ought to worship. Jesus saith unto her, Woman believe me, the hour cometh when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem shall ye worship the Father. Ye worship that which ye know not, we worship that which we know […]

“Lovest Thou Me More Than These?”

God, in His infinite wisdom, provided the scriptures for mankind written in a language perfectly suited for the message of redemption. The Koine Greek, which fell out of use in the centuries after the New Testament era, was a wonderfully precise and vivid language. It is certainly worth the Bible student’s time to carefully investigate […]